
Top Tourist Attraction Places in Saudi Arabia

Posted by Viralaholic Team on 6:58 AM in | No comments

Al Masjid al Nabawi

One of the most important symbols of the Islamic Religion of Saudi Arabia, Al-Masjid al-Nabawi located in Madina is considered to be the world's second holiest mosque. Al-Masjid al-Nabawi at Saudi Arabia in Asia was built by the Prophet himself, and raised up to its present stature, by later Islamic rulers

Dumat al Jundal

A seat of the rich Culture of Saudi Arabia, this mysterious city is mentioned by the name "Adamatu" in the Assyrian records. The present name of the city means "Dumah of the Stone", after the name of Dumah, one of the twelve sons of Ishmael

The Jawatha Mosque

The Jawatha Mosque is situated in the Al Khilabiyah and you have to travel approximately a distance of 12 kilometers North east of Hofuf before you actually reach this place. The Jawatha Mosque in Saudi Arabia was constructed in the 7th Century by a tribe known by the name of Bani Abdul Qais that inhabited the area in the early Islamic period

Masjid al-Qiblatain

Masjid al-Qiblatain in Saudi Arabia usually features at the top of any Saudi Arabia Travel Guide. Located in the holy city of Madina, Masjid al-Qiblatain at Saudi Arabia in Asia is visited by devout followers of Islam from all parts of the world. An embodiment of the ancient Culture of Saudi Arabia, the mosque ranks among the most important Tourist Attractions of Saudi Arabia





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